Seth Gregory

Seth Gregory
Cancer is the biggest killer of kids from disease in the USA, 38 children die every week. Please donate now and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer!
I've Ridden 0.0 mi ? My goal is 39 mi
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • State: N/A in MN
I've raised $0 My goal is $500 Donate Now

My Story

13 Aug 2023

I was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma of the throat at age seven. My mother took me to several pediatricians before an otolaryngologist realized my loud snoring was due to a large tumor obstructing my airway. I had a tracheostomy, surgical resection of the tumor and a large portion of my tongue, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical resection of a portion of my lung. My doctors, nurses, and childhood friends with cancer inspired me to become a pediatrician to help keep children healthy. It’s nice to see the progress that has been made over the years with pediatric cancer treatment but there is still a long ways to go.

This year I am riding for a special boy named Hudson. Our paths crossed on a very fateful day that led to his journey battling Neuroblastoma. I have watched him overcome chemo, surgery, infections, and immunotherapy with such strength and positivity. I consider him and his parents family and I am blessed to ride in his honor.

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 4 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • Ridden
  • 200 mi Ridden
    $1,188 Raised
  • 250 mi Ridden
    $2,500 Raised
450 mi
Donate Now