• Year 5…here we go!!
    19 May 2024

    Who knew that 5 years ago when I asked my mom to run a 5k in the middle of Covid that she’d find me this and I’d still love doing it 5 years later.

    I love the impact I’m making and I truly hope and pray that we one day have a world with no more kids cancer…or cancer of any kind.

    When I started riding I only knew my neighbor, Mr Joe who was fighting his fight with cancer, but over the last 5 years I’ve read stories of many impacted by GCC but also others through my riding and parents…like Chris Guido, who works with my mom and Colt45 (who is a young child) where his grandma taught my mom in college.

    My story and platform is growing and it’s because of people like all of you that follow me support my journey! Thank you!


    Year 5…here we go!!
    Posted 24 days ago
  • $100 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $100 to fight kids' cancer and achieved DEFENDER LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 24 days ago